Big Year For Nature

I’m very excited, because this seems to be the big year for change that is a long time in the making, and desperately needed.

The world is overrun by human beings, and in many areas, we are decimating nature. The oceans, the rain forests, the land and the air is being polluted so terribly, it’s almost laughable.… Read the rest

What Do You Want From Me?

I like to blog. It helps me focus my thoughts for more success in my life. But I also want to help you.

Today, I have three thoughts. Please let me know which is most helpful or interesting to you. Thanks.… Read the rest

Easing Pancreas Issues

We humans don’t live forever. But living a long, healthy and full life is a worthwhile goal, no?

I keep hearing of people who get pancreatic cancer, and then die within a few months or years. It seems that modern medicine does not have a good answer for that one.… Read the rest

5 Easy Food Replacements For Better Health

Even though I enjoy health foods, and know a fair amount about health and wellness, I still enjoy rich foods, and with a wife and two kids here in the Framingham area, there are many temptations. But, there are some places I will not go.… Read the rest

Five Food Myths

We learn about healthy eating from people who don’t know, or corporations who want us to buy their food or drugs. Here are five untruths:

  1. Fried Food Is Bad For You
  2. Animal Foods Are a Good Source of Protein
  3. Dairy Producs Are a Good Source of Calcium
  4. Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, Potatoes & Spinach Are Good For You
  5. Eating Many Small Meals Per Day Is As Good as Three Square Meals

1.Read the rest

Ate Dairy? Make Miso Soup Quick For No Sniffles and No Flu

Most of us cannot resist cheese. There are a million reasons not to eat it, but let’s not go there right now.

If you ate cheese (or some other dairy product), you are going to test your body’s immune system, as there are millions of harmful bacteria in there that all want to live.… Read the rest

The Nose Trick: First of Many Videos Posted On YouTube

I have about 40 ideas for short videos with Ideas For Natural Living, the first one is now done. Thanks to Ari for jumping on camera, and to Carol for filming. Enjoy!

Try The Nose Trick, when you wake up, if you are congested, feel a cold coming on, or had dairy foods or meat or sugar yesterday and want to make sure you stay healthy.… Read the rest

The Top Ten Dairy & Meat Industry Lies

“It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth

when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.”
– H. L. Mencken

The top ten most powerful employees of the dairy
industry are compensated an average of $500,000
per year in salary and benefits.… Read the rest

Facts About Nutrition and Disease

You want to be healthy, right? There are conflicting messages, and human beings sometimes are slow to change. Don’t sweat it. But know this: Research CLEARLY shows, Get more than 10-12% of calories from animal foods (meat, eggs, dairy), disease will begin to take root.… Read the rest